Friday, December 19, 2008

Puppy Love.

I have a new baby. Me and Dev found a poor little black lab on the side of the road last Saturday, December 13th. She is soooo cute and a pain in my butt! I love love love her. On her 2nd night with her she was whining in her cage, so Dev decided to get her out and let her sleep in our bed! Now she's so spoiled... I cant help but cuddle up with her at night! Her name is Hershey :) For the most part, she's a really smart dog; she is starting to sit when we ask, and only had one accident in the house today. I'm not a fan of potty training, but she's getting the hang of it! She gets up every 2 or 3 hours, pees, and eats at 4:30 in the morning, but eventually goes back to sleep. There have been a few rough nights, but it'll get better.

So I'll basically be raising 3 children - Alyvia, Hershey, and Devon - tehe...

I cant wait. There is just something about the time of the year that I cant get enough of :)
And soon it'll be Baby Shower time! I am 31 weeks and one day... and already starting to feel the pressure, literally. Alyvia's arrival is approaching fast... Whew!

Tomorrow Im spending the day with my family. Decorating the tree and going to a birthday party where there will be 15 million kids running and screaming...might as well get used to it, right?