Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Catching up!

It's MARCH! And it is beautiful outside today. Sunshine makes people happier in general, and we in Ohio have had a lot of it lately!

In February, Miss A turned 3! We had a "smaller" party with great grandparents, grandparents, and friend. It was a lot of fun. She has become this witty little woman whom I love more and more every single day. I love watching her smile, grow and learn.

Mason is almost 8 months old. WOWZA! He is our chunky monkey, and every ounce of cute. I just love him to pieces. He isn't crawling; but he is sitting up, and loves to STAND. Yikes! I don't know if Mommy's ready for him to walk so soon!

Devon finished up orientation at Madison and is now considered manpower. He loves it there. I know he'll be open to a world of opportunity. He is still at OSUMC three times a week as well.

We got pre-qualified for a USDA home loan! House hunting is in full swing and let me tell ya, I am having anxiety every step of the way. I hope we find the right one, SOON.