Thursday, May 26, 2011

Attitude with a Capital A.

Miss A. 27 months old. That sounds so weird to say. She's a toddler with a vengence. Let me start off by saying that her Mommy has always had an attitude, has always been stubborn, and has always had a short fuse. Mix that with her Daddy's awesome sense of humor, goofiness, and well - temper - she is quite the firecracker.

She is quite the mannerful little girl though. She always, ALWAYS says please and very rarely doesn't say thank you.

Snuggles. Oh yes, I love em. She is a lover bug. Dev and I have always been that way, and have continuously snuggled with her since day one. I love that she has inherited that love. Makes my heart melt.

She knows 3-4 colors by heart; yellow is her favorite. Blue, green, and sometimes she remembers pink and red. She can count to three and we are working on furthering those numbers. She has her father's attention span though. 10 seconds, TOPS.

Her sentences are coming together more and more every day. She'll spit out thoughts like she has been able to say them forever. I alway repeat what she says because sometimes its a little jibbery and I want her to learn to say them correctly. However, the jibberish is totally cute.

Potty training. It has its good days and its bad. We are not keeping a diaper on her throughout the day, only when we eat and when she is sleepin. This morning, she woke up totally dry. Thats a huge milestone. Her little panties float on her. It is to-die-for.

She'll repeat everything you say to her when its time for bed. "I love you! Sweet Deams! See in mornin! Ni Night!" I. love. it.

Bugs are a NO NO. Daddy had an episode with a snake on Easter and she has not forgotten about it. And since then, she will NOT walk in the grass. I am determined to nip the prissey-ness in the butt!

She is LOUD. And when I say loud, I mean sometimes (ok, many times) we have to tell her to lower her voice.

Bird watcher for sure. Sitting at our screen door in the morning and singing "CHEEP CHEEP" is a favorite thing of ours.

Farm animals are her favorite. Especially "Moo's". We love the Slate Run Historical Farm. We have already been there once this spring and plan to make many more trips!

She loves her little brother. And it makes me so proud to be a her mommy.