Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I'm gonna start off by saying - someone, the Big Man upstairs - has been so good to us.  In September, we hit a huge mountain we didn't think we would climb fast enough.  If you know me, I was panicking.  Excessively.  It was so unhealthy, not just for me, but for everyone around me.  My constant thought was how are we gonna make it? But you know what, here we are at the end of October (and I am listening to Michael Buble Christmas Music!), making it.  We are more than ok, and I have the greatest sense of peace about it.  We will always be ok.

We as a socitey get so wrapped up in making it to next month, when we forget how far we've come.  We also forget, there will always be a way for things to work.  I have learned to put my faith and positive attitude first.  And for those of us who have kids, they see that.  They feel every feeling you do, every single day.  We as parents are their example of what type of human being they should be when they are our age.  Do not consume your time with stress about keeping up with the Jones', or the Smith's next door.  How you handle each situation is the definition of who you are, and makes a more lasting impression on those around you than the color of your shoes or the brand of TV you have; thrive on the little moments, for one day, they will be the big moments you remember.  You will make it.

I also need to thank my husband for sticking by my crazy a$$, because Lord knows, he could have walked away more times than not.  He always makes sure we have more than enough.  If you can't tell, I'm feeling super blessed today.  You should too.