Friday, July 13, 2012

Shake it Off.

I have the worst trouble just accepting things; just letting things be.  Most of the time, I just can't do it.  Why are they so much better off than us? Why do we owe X this?  Why do I feel like my children are second best?  Why is it so hard for someone to apologize?  Why am I still having trouble with parenting, communicating, brushing things off my shoulder...with just everything?!

I make it so hard on myself to just enjoy the moment.  The now.  When my kid giggles in excitement, when my hubs goes out of his way to make things go in our favor, when someone else has something good happen to them.  My worry is on to the it's on repeat and has no sign of stopping anytime soon.

We all have this perception of out-doing each other.  I hate it, even though I catch myself doing it.  And there are people in this world, people that I know, that do it too.  It makes living in this world so hard for a mom when all we do it compete.  We may not verbalize that we are, but honestly, we all know deep down, those are our intentions...having something better, cuter, more expensive than that other mom.

Worrying about what other people are doing or what other people are thinking about me is a big issue of mine.  I need to let it go.  LET IT GO. Who gives two shits if  my kid doesnt have what their kid does?  Who cares if they are there, and we are still here, trying to figure out where to go next?  My devotional yesterday was titled 'Shake it Off'.  Joyce Meyer smacked me in the face.  Megan, you will get to where you are supposed to be.  Just take a chill pill, for God's sake.  Seriously.

{Does a Miller Light count as a chill pill? ;)}