Wednesday, January 12, 2011


A quick little post while Im thinking about it!

Alyvia will be 2 next month! Tasha just took her 2nd birthday photos and they made me cry. Might be the hormones, but I loved every single one of them. I am planning, with the help of my SIL and MIL, her birthday party. Its a down on the farm theme and Im totally excited to see it all come together. About 100 people are invited. YES, I KNOW. Family is ginormous and we have a lot of friends who have kids! So a total of 100, sending out about 70 invites. It'll be fun tho! I'm doing cupcakes- making them myself- easy foods and cute little centerpieces. Colors are pink and white with lots of farm animals. We're going to get her a basketball hoop for her playroom. I cant wait to see her play with it!

Devon has applied at 2 departments this month and I have a good feeling that one of them will work out soon. He is still working an exhausting 65 hours a week, but Im hopeful that it will slow down as soon as he gets that full time position as a FF :)

I am 12 weeks and 2 days pregnant! The little 'guy' is the size of a peach and I have been feeling movements here and there! I have started to plan the nursery, went though Alyvia's clothes and picked out names :)

I have been on an emotional rollercoaster with some things that have been going on lately (side note: Dev and I are great) and I have accepted the fact that I have a lot of healing to do. I can only control ME and take care of me and my family. I need to learn that, along with accepting that I cannot control or change what other people do or how they act. As many times as I am hurt, I need to know that it isnt because of me, it isnt MY fault. I am joining a church with a good friend/co worker and am so excited to learn these things. I need it.