Thursday, August 9, 2012

It's here.

Well, tomorrow.  Tomorrow is the day we close on our first home.  This has been the most stressful experience of our life.  We started this journey in October 2011.  We knew then we needed to work on some things on our credit, and I needed to get on full time with the State.  And I did.  In December, I finally came permanent.  Some of you may know the story behind my student loans; that was our biggest hurdle.  After literally hundreds of phone calls, we finally jumped that hurdle.  We've had lenders fall through, homes not passing inspections, money blown to make things work, things repaired, switched loan types, saved a down payment in 2 months, and finally...FINALLY made it to this day.  I will cry.  I will smile.  My stomach will fill with butterflies.  I feel like tomorrow is the first day of my senior year of high school or something.  The beginning of a new chapter for my family.  I haven't lived in a home that was owned in a long, long time.  And tomorrow, it will be my - OUR - home.  Two thousand square feet to make memories in.  A breakfast bar to witness my kids grow up at.  A pool to make summer memories in.  A home.

Thank you to everyone, and I mean every single one of you, who has been there for us during this process.  You cant put a price on a happy family and happy home.