Saturday, January 9, 2010


It is UNREAL that my princess will be one year old in 5 1/2 weeks...

They dont teach you this stuff in High School. They dont teach you anything about the real world. Parenting, finances, what to do when your furnace goes out, how to house hunt, how to deal with your baby growing up too fast... Its unfair. But I without a doubt enjoy watching her grow and every new stage. It is so fun! I couldn't imagine my life without her.
Milestones: Pulling up on the couch...its not all the time, but she can do it...Saying new words, making new sounds, eating 'people' food, CLAPPING!, getting into everything, dancing like their is music in her head all the time, starting to put herself to sleep instead of havin to snuggle for a half hour (which of course I dont mind!), giving high fives,... the list goes on and on.
I have her party pretty much planned, besides the cake and what foods I wanna have. It'll be the Sunday after, and I cant wait to see her face when she dives into that cake! (but I dont want that day to come too soon!)
Momma loves you Bug!


Lela said...

You are sooo right!! Alyvia is growing tooo fast; school doesn't teach "life" :-( But you are enjoying the ride togehter :-)and family is very proud...