Wednesday, October 7, 2009

More Milestones!

1. Buggie is almost 8 months old.. I cant believe I just said that!!

2. I think she's pushin about 17 pounds; still a peanut, but she's gainin, eatin, and is happy and healthy! We'll find out tomorrow!

3. She says Da-da ALLLLLLLLLL the time. It is entirely toooo cute!

4. She's a dancer like her momma! Its the cutest, most hilarious thing I have ever seen. She moves her hips front to back and shakes her head and butt... I just love it!

5. 3 jars of food is what its now taking to fill her belly up!

6. We started to give her crunchies to snack on...and she loves em!

7. ALMOST pulling herself up! She can pull herself up by holding onto someone's fingers...but everyday she gets closer to doing it on her own!

8. And, she is sooo close to crawling!! The past 2 nights she's been pushin herself up with her arms and gets one leg bent, but gets frustrated when she can't get the other one up there too. It's gonna happen soon, and I dont know if Im ready for it!!!

9. Her teefers are startin to cut through her gums... no fun for her :(

We are so ready for Pumpkin Show! We arent gonna put her in the parade (sad face) cuz I dont wanna take off work, but we can do it next year!

Her halloween costume is SOOO adorable; I cant wait for her to wear it!

She's currently a sleepin princess...daddy should be home soon!