Friday, April 13, 2012

Big News!

I wanted to take the time to explain why purchasing a home means more than anything (other than my kids and my hubs) to me. Not many people will probably read this, but I think in the years to come, I'll come back to read this, and smile with pride.

13 is the number of times I moved by the time I was 18. Now, I know some people reading this are going to automatically assume I'm blaming someone, trying to get attention, but that's not it. And I know some people asre going to say, 'Hey, there aer homeless people out there!' Hey, I know. I drive passed them every day on the way to work and it breaks my heart.

However, this is an explaination of why I'm so beyond thrilled that we are on our way to having our own home. I've never had one. A home to me feels like HOME. One you love going to (even if it's a mess), one you love welcoming people in, one you love to fall asleep in. The closest thing I've had to a home is my grandparent's house. I lived there 3 or 4 times. I am not saying there wasn't any love where I lived. I'm saying, it just didn't feel like home. Devon and I have moved a handful of times, too. I hate moving. I want my kids to go to ONE school; not 2, 3 or 6. ONE. That is extremely important to me. I know there are circumstances when moving is needed, but until we approach those, this is what I want. We want. So, we are in-contract with our first HOME. In a school district we want, with the square footage we want, and it will be filled with what makes a house a home.

And I am SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)