Tuesday, September 13, 2011

High Hopes.

Today, Devon drove over an hour to apply at the City of Oakwood. He was nervous because he isn't a "fan" of Dayton, but when he got there his words were "I love you for this good find, but I hate your guts because my hand will be numb after I fill this app out!" It was 44 pages! The community is beautiful. Schools are int he top 500 best in the nation. I hope I can visit with him soon. I know it's early, but I've already started praying (and asking others too) for his application to stand-out and this job opportunity to be the one for him. He works so hard, and so much, for his pay - he is so burnt out and is ready to be able to apply his skills to a job he loves to go to every day. Its GREAT pay. Which is a huge plus. He has plenty of experience in the ER and at the Firehouse. I am so excited about this already, but stop myself because it is a LONG process. I know he'll do his best to get on there when they test, but that doesn't mean we don't need prayers. I have to have faith in God that he will light the way for us. I pray that this is the way for us.