Monday, July 12, 2010

Changes are on the way!

I absolutely cannot believe 2010 is more than half way over. I absolutely cannot believe that my little one will be a year and a half in August. I cannot believe its beent that long since I carried her in my belly.

We have started the potty training process! We're slowly introducing her to it. And the first day she went in the big girl potty!!! I am such a proud mommy, even tho she went twice on the couch and once on the carpet too. :) She has a sticker chart, we plan on giving her rewards every so often, but ALWAYS praising her, even if she just 'tries'. It should be interesting!!

We move into our new house in 18 days! I am beyond ready to move into a HOUSE and out of the APARTMENT! We're having a house warming/labor day party about a month after we move in...I am so excited.

Devon has a job interview tomorrow at OSU for a Medic position. I have total faith :) He is also supposed to be named head of the medic at his firehouse, and he has been working there a lot more lately, now that he is done with school. We're hoping a full-time position comes along soon.

I'm going back to school in November. Online and part time. I have a good job, but I feel like something is missing without a degree. I need a degree in something!

And one more thing...but I'm saving that for later!


Lela said...

Looks like you loaded all my favorite wedding photos; hehe! Wonderful changes married, house, school... and surprises :-) Soooo exciting (and grateful Russell and I get to share it with you)