Some Updates:
At my doctor's appt Thursday, I was 80% effaced and 3 centimeters dilated. She pretty much said I had 48 hours if I walked and did some other things. Well, I've been walking more than ever and I'm hoping its gonna work soooooooooon!
For Valentines day me and Dev went to City BBQ. I think we decided they're gonna cater our wedding; it was soo soo soooo good.
I've been slacking with posting pictures, but now we have wireless internet :)
The Jeep stroller my mom bought :)

My booger Hershey. She's getting SO big!

Alyvia's Easter outfit, picked out primarily by her Daddy :)

The quilt Aunt Tasha made Alyvia... I love it!

Alyvia's room :) Her crib is a 4-in-1, which is so nice cuz we wont have to buy another bed for a while..! Well, at least til we decide to have more kids..
I'm gonna go do some more walking/cleaning/organizing... Dev is working until Tuesday night :( Grrr.
Wow! That's really a nice crib, who got that for you ;-)
Come on know you wanna come play with us!!!!
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