Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Breakfast for Dinner :)

Pancakes, french toast, hashbrowns and eggs is what was on the menu tonight... Yummy yummy :) I like to do that once every month.

I didn't do very much today; well, I haven't really done much of anything lately. I try to clean the house up every day to keep it nice cuz I know everyone gets so busy, but its nice to have a good smelling house too. Dishes and laundry are a daily rountine... errrgg, I guess its time to get used to it lol.

Friday night Me and Dev picked up my little brother Jacob and let him spend the night. I've missed him so much. We bundled him all up and tied a sled to the back of the 4wheeler so Dev could drag him around for a little bit... he came in with these rosey red cheeks and covered in snow. It was cute, but I think it scared him a little. And later Dev just HAD to show him how to use this harness/swing thing he can make out of his fire rope and stuff. We watched a movie and all 3 crashed in the same bed.
Saturday I spent the day with my mom and sister. We went to lunch at TUMBLEWEED :) and headed to my brother's bball game later that evening. It was Hall of Fame induction night, which was kinda cool to see, and they ended up losing to a team they beat by 30 the 1st time they played each other. You could say I was a little vocal and verry irritated.

Sunday was a lazy day; we returned some of Alyvia's gifts we got duplicates of and ended up taking a 2 hour nap when we got home. I'm back to that tired all the time stage...

And last but not least, I MISS BEING THIS SKINNY! I'm getting very impatient waiting on my little stubborn one to get here...