I can't believe it's been a week already. She is currently celebrating by sleeping all day. That's okay with me, I've got some housework done. Yesterday Aunt Tasha helped out with laundry and dinner... its nice to have someone so willing to help. Alyvia also had her first doctor's appointment yesterday. She gained 2 ounces and is doing great. Her next one is in a week.
Dev had to run out to Target today cuz we think she may have a milk allergy... she's been spitting up more than usual. I'm primarily nursing and just supplementing with formula til she starts gaining more weight; we're trying soy milk to see if it makes a difference.
My Aunt Renee was induced this morning at 7AM. I think it's super cool that Alyvia and her 2nd cousin will be exactly a week apart, if things go as planned for my aunt today. She is having a girl too :)
Dev and I are still searching for a place. We found one in Hilliard that would work out great, we would just be pinching pennies for a while...hopefully something will work out!
I have lost 20 something pounds!! Its so weird not having a belly anymore... I can't we created such a gorgeous little girl.
Now its countdown to Tash's little one's arrival!! Just under 6 months to go... :)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Happy One Week Baby Girl.
Posted by Megan at 11:41 AM 2 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Heaven Sent.
February 17th, 2009 was the absolute best day of my life. As painful as giving birth was, I can whole heartedly say it was so worth it. Alyvia Grace Mcginnis is the most amazing being I have ever seen. She weighed just over 7 pounds and was 19 1/4 inches long. Her eyes were wide open when she finally came out. Devon bawled; I've never seen someone become so attached to another like he did... He absolutely adores and praises her. She definitely knows who her daddy is... and is starting to have a personality like him too. She has his eyes and shape of his mouth, my nose and stubby chin. And we're still waiting for that curly hair to arrive. Last night was one I'll never forget. She layed in between us while her lullibies were playing and me and Dev held hands on her belly; my world has never been so meaningful. I can't wait for all the experiences to come. Life is more beautiful with her in it...
Posted by Megan at 4:51 PM 4 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Much Needed Pictures!

Alyvia's Easter outfit, picked out primarily by her Daddy :)

Alyvia's room :) Her crib is a 4-in-1, which is so nice cuz we wont have to buy another bed for a while..! Well, at least til we decide to have more kids..
I'm gonna go do some more walking/cleaning/organizing... Dev is working until Tuesday night :( Grrr.
Posted by Megan at 1:05 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The Hunt has Begun.
For a few days now, me and Dev have started our search for a place. I would honestly prefer a house... 2 bedrooms at minimum, conveniently located for our jobs, close (but not too close) to our families, at least some of the utilities included, etc... not all of our hopes are gonna be met and I know we're gonna have to be open-minded; and so far we have been!
Tomorrow night we are gonna go look at a townhome in Ashville; 2 bedroom, bath, water and sewage included in the $565 montly rent; plus we can have pets! Yay for my booger Hershey :) We drove by them last night. Its not too crowded and we have a little yard... we'll see how it goes!
Alyvia update:
If Devon thinks I'M stubborn, he's in for a treat with our little one.
I dont think I've ever mentioned that I was given 3 due dates, 2 of them were given to me before I had my first OB appointment. February 11th and 15th... if her little butt decides to continue being a pain in MY butt, I guess I can deal with another week... I am in more pain than I've ever been in before though... the clock is ticking waaay to slow, lol.
Kisses; giggles; first bath; first snow fall; family pictures; holidays; play dates; even the poopy diapers...
I think we are taking a weekend in March for my birthday (and Dev's since we didn't get to do anything then) and staying at a cabin my mom won, which I thought was pretty cool. Alyvia is coming along as of now :)
I love love love my little family.
Posted by Megan at 11:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Breakfast for Dinner :)
Pancakes, french toast, hashbrowns and eggs is what was on the menu tonight... Yummy yummy :) I like to do that once every month.

And last but not least, I MISS BEING THIS SKINNY! I'm getting very impatient waiting on my little stubborn one to get here...
Posted by Megan at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
I need to vent... but I probably wont be able to vent about everything on here; I'm really irritated though and on the verge of screaming my lungs out!!
Money, school, wedding disagreements already, job, being uncomfortable, feeling like nothing I do is good enough... just sick of everything!!!!!
I need a vacation, or just a night away...
Posted by Megan at 3:42 PM 2 comments