Refreshed is what comes to mind after this past weekend.
We live pretty busy lives.
Between D’s hours, me working, the weekdays just seem to not really
count towards the important things like spending quality time together; instead they count towards the, you know, house-work-running-around-like-a-chicken-with-your-head-cut-off, unimportant
things. The evenings just really get
away from us, so they are usually off limits for anything ‘extra’.
Saturday consisted of new shoes and a day out with no
particular reason other than spending time together, which was exactly what we
needed. We haven’t done that in a very
long time; I forgot how enjoyable it can be.Sunday we finally got to visit friends at their new home, where we had ice cream cake, pizza, laughs, and made messes. Oh, and tried to catch a wolf. Don’t ask.
I feel like the past few weeks I have really adjusted my
goal to just enjoy the ride. My brain is usually consumed with what we
have to do, what could go wrong, what we need to plan, what is planned, etc.
etc, ETC. I too often forget that life
happens every day and I need to appreciate and enjoy every ounce of it.
I am so blessed to have a marriage that I am happy to say
has gotten so much better, kids who I love to love every single day, a home
that is our home, and friends who we can connect with (or make fun of, or just
stuff our faces with) on a personal and laid back level.
All of that being said, we have reached the halfway mark of
our last pregnancy. We DO have a lot to
do, but I am going to ENJOY getting everything done. I am going to soak up these last twenty
weeks, most of the days will be spent accommodating to every other mom duty I already
have, which is totally fine by me. This
spring and summer will fly while we enjoy watching our oldest play another year
of TBall, go camping, creep up on our boy turning three, swim, play, and take
joy rides in the Jeep.
I mean. Think about it.
Do you really, I mean REALLY take the time to enjoy the life you live? It is so fulfilling. We all need to make this a priority. ENJOY THE RIDE.
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