Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lots of updates!

Mase Man is ten weeks old today! 11 lbs 7 oz, 21.5 inches long :) We're getting the hang of his feeding schedule. Its not just sparatic and/or constant now. It is flying by. He coo's and laughs. You almost forget what that sounds like coming from a newborn. It's a little piece of heaven. God telling you, what you're doing means something. You are a wonderful parent to this precious baby and you are blessed. No matter how hard things get, you ARE blessed.

Alyvia is 2 going on 13. Mouthy, miss attitude. But a pure joy at the same time. She can count to TEN on her OWN! One day, she just blurted it out. Dev and I looked at each other in complete awe and pride. She says the darndest things, including the S word. That is totally mommy and daddy's fault. If you spill something, she says without hesitating "Ohhhh Shit!" It is SO hard to NOT laugh. Wooops! She is getting taller by the day and her hair is so BLONDE and getting so CURLY! Love the curls! We are still teaching her the letters of her name. And STILL wont poop in the potty. She's absolutely petrified of it. She LOVES her baby brother. It amazes me how a 2.5 year old can love another little person so much. I love to just watch them interact. Both their eyes light up, and that's when I know I'm doing something right.

It's taken me a long time to learn that expressing your love in front of your kids is so important. To them and to your spouse. I struggled showing that to Dev, but am realizing it is just as important as SAYING I love you.

Devon got the PT position at Madison! He actually got his gear fitted today. They hire their FT from their PT staff. It will take a few years, but in the mean time he still plans on applying at other places. He will hopefully start in October! He also got moved to day shift at OSU, starting Oct 12! This is a relationship saver. Night shift is so stressful on a family, and he is usually gone 3-4 out of the 6 nights a week. What a relief!

I am still planning on going back to school and finishing in hopefully 6 months. Coming up with the money is tough right now. Im still only working 24 hours a week and have applied for exactly 124 jobs with the state. You have to jump through hoops here to get on permanent at this day and age. The last 5 or so Ive applied for Im confident in. I still more than anything want to stay home with my kids, but we have to make do with what we have right now. I feel blessed every single day and pray that God keeps opening doors for us!