News on the job front...
I finally was promoted to a permanent employee! YAY! Starting Monday the 5th, and I will have overtime eligibility starting then too! I am beyond relieved...and happy!
Devon and I have struggled a lot the past 4 going on 5 years. A LOT. From welcoming our first baby to me not having a job, to making minimum wage while having a family and an apartment, moving quite often, a wedding, another baby, moving again....we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Regarding of our struggles, God put them there for us to learn and grow, and now I am learning how blessed we really are.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Posted by Megan at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 14, 2011
Progress and Projects!
I wanted to start off this post with a recent photo of the FOUR of us! I don't get to post photos often anymore (I usually blog from my work computer! Shhh!)
This week marks Mason's 4 month birthday and 3 months til my girl is 3! I say it all the time, but time really flies by!
I love Pinterest. I have a few projects that my hubby and I will be starting soon. We want to get some of these done before we move in late winter/early spring. First up; a new headboard. The one we have is non-existant! I am a sucker for simple, country livin. He's making it out of old barnwood, and above it we will have a wire hanging with pictures clipped on it, using mini laundry clips!
I am also working on a project involving wine and beer bottles. I am wrapping them in yarn and putting baby's breath type flowers in them for a cute little decor item.
Devon will also be making me a mason jar chandalier. I fell in love with it!
I am planning on making a trip to IKEA either right before Christmas, or right after. Probably right after. All the furniture we have is hand-me-downs. Not that we don't appreciate it, but we would like to have some things of our own. The kids need shelves in their rooms, some organizational things for their toys...just little things here and there.
We purchased a car in October and I love it! 2009 Honda CRV. A cute little Mommy car. Its gas milage is great and its so roomy!!
Devon started at Madison last Tuesday. He seems to like it! Unfortunately, the levy at the other fire dept he works at did not pass, so more than likely he'll be laid off. Sooner rather than later :( We will find out more this Wedsnesday.
I am FINALLY signing Alyvia up for dance. So excited!!!!
Sorry this post is everywhere. I like to update about every 2 weeks...even if it's just for myself to read ;)
Posted by Megan at 9:17 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 31, 2011
Movin on up!
More good news for our family!
About 2 weeks ago I had an interview for a permanent position with the State. I have worked for them since Feb 2010, just as an intermittent. If you remember, my hours got cut in June, and by the grace of God, 3 permanent positions opened. Since last week, my hours were increased again, and I should know about the position this week or next. I have a lot of faith in this one.
We have also been in the process of trying to get approved for a home loan. Our credit isn't great, but we've been working on it and it's improved. Luckily I have a family member who is a realtor and gave me a name to a mortgage lender who can help us out. So far, I love her. She's helping me get some things cleared up so we can get a better interest rate and move forward. We may wait until after the holidays to purchase. We have a lot of people we need to give back to, and while we have the extra money we need to do it.
Trick or treat was fun. Alyvia was adorable! Mason slept. :) We went to my hometown and a near by town yesterday. So much fun.
Dev's birthday is about 5 weeks away and I am so excited that I have a surprise up my sleeve for him. I don't get to do this often!
And now...I am so excited for the holidays!
God is good.
Posted by Megan at 12:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 17, 2011
I've FALLen behind again!
Oh boy. I just dont get to use the computer at home much with two munchkins! If they nap, well, I nap too ;) ANYwho - everything is great. Fall is upon us and I just LOVE it. So many fun things coming up and you all know, I am a huge holiday buff! It is PUMPKIN SHOW week! We plan on going Fri & Saturday morning to let Alyvia ride some rides with her little girlfriend, Hayden :) Her mom & I went to school together! This Sunday, we are going to The Wilds with the family. I went once when I was pregnant with Alyvia - she's going to LOVE it!
Devon is now on DAYS! It is so nice to actually share a bed with a spouse, even though he is a bed-hogger! ;) He usually works 7a-7p, with a few 11a-11p's in there. He is going to start picking up OT so we can prepare for the holidays. Once a week for a few weeks. He says he doesn't mind, and I know it is easier to now that he gets sleep! He also gets sworn in at MTFD this Wednesday! I didn't get to go when he swore in at Scioto because we came home with Alyvia the same day, so I'm excited to see it!
Mason will be three months old in 2 days. CANT believe it. He rolled over for the first time today for Daddy, belly to back! He is a talking machine. You almost forget what those coo's sound like! Alyvia still loves him to pieces. And I love it!
I have a little nephew on the way! Tash and Josh are expecting a little boy! SO excited. Zoe will be a great big sis.
Alyvia and Mason are going to be Jessie & Woody from Toy Story. Her costume is to die for. I cant wait to see her in it! That reminds me, gotta get her some boots! And Mase Man too :)
Dev and I are hoping to buy a house around May. If things keep going in the direction they have been, I have complete faith that we will keep that goal! God has been great to us.
Posted by Megan at 12:43 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Lots of updates!
Mase Man is ten weeks old today! 11 lbs 7 oz, 21.5 inches long :) We're getting the hang of his feeding schedule. Its not just sparatic and/or constant now. It is flying by. He coo's and laughs. You almost forget what that sounds like coming from a newborn. It's a little piece of heaven. God telling you, what you're doing means something. You are a wonderful parent to this precious baby and you are blessed. No matter how hard things get, you ARE blessed.
Alyvia is 2 going on 13. Mouthy, miss attitude. But a pure joy at the same time. She can count to TEN on her OWN! One day, she just blurted it out. Dev and I looked at each other in complete awe and pride. She says the darndest things, including the S word. That is totally mommy and daddy's fault. If you spill something, she says without hesitating "Ohhhh Shit!" It is SO hard to NOT laugh. Wooops! She is getting taller by the day and her hair is so BLONDE and getting so CURLY! Love the curls! We are still teaching her the letters of her name. And STILL wont poop in the potty. She's absolutely petrified of it. She LOVES her baby brother. It amazes me how a 2.5 year old can love another little person so much. I love to just watch them interact. Both their eyes light up, and that's when I know I'm doing something right.
It's taken me a long time to learn that expressing your love in front of your kids is so important. To them and to your spouse. I struggled showing that to Dev, but am realizing it is just as important as SAYING I love you.
Devon got the PT position at Madison! He actually got his gear fitted today. They hire their FT from their PT staff. It will take a few years, but in the mean time he still plans on applying at other places. He will hopefully start in October! He also got moved to day shift at OSU, starting Oct 12! This is a relationship saver. Night shift is so stressful on a family, and he is usually gone 3-4 out of the 6 nights a week. What a relief!
I am still planning on going back to school and finishing in hopefully 6 months. Coming up with the money is tough right now. Im still only working 24 hours a week and have applied for exactly 124 jobs with the state. You have to jump through hoops here to get on permanent at this day and age. The last 5 or so Ive applied for Im confident in. I still more than anything want to stay home with my kids, but we have to make do with what we have right now. I feel blessed every single day and pray that God keeps opening doors for us!
Posted by Megan at 10:21 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
High Hopes.
Today, Devon drove over an hour to apply at the City of Oakwood. He was nervous because he isn't a "fan" of Dayton, but when he got there his words were "I love you for this good find, but I hate your guts because my hand will be numb after I fill this app out!" It was 44 pages! The community is beautiful. Schools are int he top 500 best in the nation. I hope I can visit with him soon. I know it's early, but I've already started praying (and asking others too) for his application to stand-out and this job opportunity to be the one for him. He works so hard, and so much, for his pay - he is so burnt out and is ready to be able to apply his skills to a job he loves to go to every day. Its GREAT pay. Which is a huge plus. He has plenty of experience in the ER and at the Firehouse. I am so excited about this already, but stop myself because it is a LONG process. I know he'll do his best to get on there when they test, but that doesn't mean we don't need prayers. I have to have faith in God that he will light the way for us. I pray that this is the way for us.
Posted by Megan at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Sacrifices and Struggles:
Today, I went back to work. 6 weeks flew by. I didn't cry until I pulled out of the driveway. I was busy all morning keeping my mind off of my emotions. But the day has gone pretty well/fast! Devon will be home most of the time with them, so that helps. Not that I don't love our sitter, because I DO! Tasha is wonderful with them. I guess I'm just an OCD Mom!
I still haven't had more than 2 hours of consistant sleep in 6 weeks. That has been tough. Alyvia is a GREAT sleeper. She has been since 7 weeks old and only ate every 3-4 hours as a newborn. Mason eats every 1.5-2.5 hours. It is a struggle. We recently started to put rice in a bottle or two throughout the day, just a teaspoon or so. Hasn't helped yet. I hate complaining. HATE HATE HATE it because I don't want people to think I don't LOVE being a mom. I do. I'm not depressed, not regretful, just EXHAUSTED! Whew. The one thing I have gotten down is a routine nap time for both of them. Lyv sleeps anywhere between 1 and 4 during the day. Mason has been taking his longest nap then too. So, I can nap as well! Usually. Now that I'm back to work, that doesn't happen every day, but I'll adjust (or Mason will start sleeping more through the night)!
I hate that I have to sacrafice Mommy time for work. But I am thankful that I have a job.
Now that I AM back to work, Dev and I can start saving for a few things. Most importantly, a HOUSE! We are leaning more towards building. We dont want to end up in something we don't LOVE. With the values of homes declining, I don't want to be STUCK somewhere. We really love stick-built homes...the one's built in warehouses instead of outside! No weathering, less labor, less money! A lot of them come furnished with appliances. We'll see!
We also want to start saving for....wait for it...DISNEY! Our plan is to take the kids the summer AFTER Alyvia's kindergarten year. She'll be 6, Mason 3 1/2.
Devon INTERVIEWED with Madison Twshp and should know if he got a position very soon! He also kicked butt on Columbus' test and will know where he stands in the next month or so.
In the meantime, I need to strengthen my trust in God again, I've started to lose sight of that lately.
Have a great Labor Day weekend!
Posted by Megan at 12:08 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 15, 2011
Long time, no blog!
I know, I know...I am slacking major on updates on, well, everything!
Our newest addition, Mason, will be 4 weeks old tomorrow! They have flown by, and I have LOVED being home all four of these weeks. I don't want to say this, but I go back to work two weeks from this Wednesday :( One day, I will be a SAHM - in the mean time, work is just something I have to do!
Two kids is a WHOLE different world. Definitely a challenge. Alyvia is great with him - she doesn't pay much attention to him, but about every 2 hours or so, she'll ask to see him, hold him, kiss him. She loves to sit by me while I nurse him. She is so concerned when he cries and tries to help me soothe him. I love to see her love him.
He eats on average about every 2.5 hours. BFing has been a challenge, but I am trying to stick with it. My supply took forever to come in, and I still don't feel like it's enough. We supplement one or two times a day, but every other feeding is all me. I do have a pump, and that helps sometimes.
Alyvia is two and half. Dear Lord help me hold back the tears. She is so incredibly smart, it makes my heart melt. She loves to sing and sign. Her Granny has DVDs that she loves to watch and learn from. She knows more sign language than I do! She is on her independence kick. I have a love/hate relationship with it. She responds to everything with "I know how to please!" We are working on recognizing the letters of her name. She knows A, L and Y. She can recognize a circle and triangle and lots of colors - yellow, pink, blue, green, red, orange, purple. Her favorite book is 'Brown Bear' and can basically "read" it to me. We are still potty training, and she'll go all day at home, but going number 2 in the potty is a no-go. She just will not do it. (Advice on this one?!) We've bribbed her with suckers, M&M's, new movies...she will not budge.
Miss Z turned two a few days ago. She is learning and growing by the day. Watching the girls grow up together is awesome.
Devon has an interview with Madison Twshp tomorrow morning, and is also testing for Columbus tomorrow afternoon. He also got news that on the next schedule round, he will be moving to day shift at OSU! So things are slowly but surely moving forward. Thank God.
Posted by Megan at 6:01 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Happy Birthday Mason Allen!
Posted by Megan at 7:26 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Before there are four...
My intentions of this post were to reminisce about us going from a family of 3 to 4 in just 12 short days. But before I went to open a new post, a blog I follow caught my attention and made me so sad. The Staats are and always will be struggling with the loss of their baby girl. It makes me feel guilty to be so happy. The Casey Anthony Case hurt her in a trememdous way, as it did to all of America. But for one to just lose a baby and see that someone who took their baby's life gets to walk free, I know it hurts her more for than most. I am still so very sorry for the loss of their baby.

Posted by Megan at 10:07 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 24, 2011
4 weeks to go!
I absolutley cannot believe we only have 4 weeks til Mason will be here! Devon and I both have mixed emotions. Should we have waited? Will we divy our time up well enough with 2 kids? I am mostly worried about not being around Alyiva for a few days when I go into labor. She IS well taken care of, but it breaks my heart when I don't get to spend much time with her during the week anyway.
My baby shower went well. Small and casual. Mason got lots of summer onsies, which will be the BEST for, well, the rest of summer! I found a killer deal on a pump on Craigslist. Before you gag, I will be boiling everything before it is used! Buying from craigslist was suggested from a few fellow mommies, so I did it! Saved a good $200. And I will be picking it up tonight!
Devon and I took a mini vaca to Myrtle last weekend to visit some friends. Without the little one. Oh I thought I was going to BAWL when we left, but I did surprisingly well the whole trip! It was needed. Much, much needed. We relaxed, a lot. Devon's friend works for North Myrtle FD down there - and his wife is also my friend!
Alyvia is growing by the day. She is getting so, SO tall. She loves to mimick everything I do, but do things on her own too. Potty training is still in progress. She'll go great when she's nakie, but will wet her panties if we put them on her. HMPH. We're still working on it! She loves to help around the house, and we do a lot of dancing while cleaning :)
My new hours are Mon-Wed, 8:30-5. When Mason gets here, I will take 6 weeks maternity leave, and hopefully soon after that we will know if Devon is any closer to getting a FT spot. He is testing for Madison Twp in a few weeks!
We are also moving soon! Hopefully we can find a house to buy within 6-8 months. Needless to say, we still need your prayers for various reasons! I am trying to continue to walk in Faith and know that something will happen for us, SOON!
Posted by Megan at 9:09 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 16, 2011
It started way back in 3rd Grade.
First things first... Go check out some of our maternity photos HERE!

And Forever.

I love you Devon Jasper.
Posted by Megan at 8:06 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 10, 2011
Hormones have taken over.
I cry about everything. New songs, tv shows, text messages, seeing the homeless on the streets, mean words said; everything. And these hormones have made it worse. I don't remember if it was this bad when I was pregnant with Alyvia (not remembering THAT makes me sad), but it surely has taken its toll on me. Right now, I am just overwhelmed. Tomorrow is Devon's physical agility test for Delaware and I KNOW he will do great. He has been down in the dumps the past day or so though and I really don't know how to react. He rarely ever shows that - and when he does I have no idea what to say or do. He is not one to show when he is upset. So when he does, I am totally thrown. That makes me sad. I feel like there are more things that I DON'T do right than I DO. I hate it. I have no degree (yet), we have to move for a variety of reasons and that makes me feel unstable, I am a nervous wreck that I wont be able to give Alyvia the attention she needs while Mason is here. On top of other things....yeah, I am a mess.
I keep praying about these things - and I know waiting is a lesson in itself; I need to have patience. So in the mean time, I will continue to keep praying.
Posted by Megan at 11:17 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 3, 2011
With Flying Colors.
You have probably seen me ranting and raving on FB about Devon taking a few tests for CFD and DFD (Delaware FD) the past few weeks. Here are the results; out of 326 people who took the written test, they were taking the top 60 scores to move onto the physical agility test. He was number 12 on the list. TWELVE. He had the third highest score, but they made the list in alphabetical order and there were ties too. Did I mention he was TWELTH? I am beyond proud of him. He tested better than people double his age, with more experience with these tests AND in the field. I am not bragging (ok, maybe I am), but how could I not? He scored a 95% :)
SO - the next step is background check, then physical agility. He tells me he isn't nervous, but I know he has to be at least a little. I just have a good, solid feeling about this one. I think its time. Its time for us (HIM) to catch a break and live life. And I have faith in God. He tells me it is going to happen. It will.
June 11th, 8:40AM! Say a few prayers for us!
Posted by Megan at 11:35 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Attitude with a Capital A.
Miss A. 27 months old. That sounds so weird to say. She's a toddler with a vengence. Let me start off by saying that her Mommy has always had an attitude, has always been stubborn, and has always had a short fuse. Mix that with her Daddy's awesome sense of humor, goofiness, and well - temper - she is quite the firecracker.
She is quite the mannerful little girl though. She always, ALWAYS says please and very rarely doesn't say thank you.
Snuggles. Oh yes, I love em. She is a lover bug. Dev and I have always been that way, and have continuously snuggled with her since day one. I love that she has inherited that love. Makes my heart melt.
She knows 3-4 colors by heart; yellow is her favorite. Blue, green, and sometimes she remembers pink and red. She can count to three and we are working on furthering those numbers. She has her father's attention span though. 10 seconds, TOPS.
Her sentences are coming together more and more every day. She'll spit out thoughts like she has been able to say them forever. I alway repeat what she says because sometimes its a little jibbery and I want her to learn to say them correctly. However, the jibberish is totally cute.
Potty training. It has its good days and its bad. We are not keeping a diaper on her throughout the day, only when we eat and when she is sleepin. This morning, she woke up totally dry. Thats a huge milestone. Her little panties float on her. It is to-die-for.
She'll repeat everything you say to her when its time for bed. "I love you! Sweet Deams! See in mornin! Ni Night!" I. love. it.
Bugs are a NO NO. Daddy had an episode with a snake on Easter and she has not forgotten about it. And since then, she will NOT walk in the grass. I am determined to nip the prissey-ness in the butt!
She is LOUD. And when I say loud, I mean sometimes (ok, many times) we have to tell her to lower her voice.
Bird watcher for sure. Sitting at our screen door in the morning and singing "CHEEP CHEEP" is a favorite thing of ours.
Farm animals are her favorite. Especially "Moo's". We love the Slate Run Historical Farm. We have already been there once this spring and plan to make many more trips!
She loves her little brother. And it makes me so proud to be a her mommy.
Posted by Megan at 6:18 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Faith, Storytime, and a BIG GIRL BED!

I am sad to say that we haven't been to church in a while - but I 100% believe the reason why is acceptable; He knows I have faith in Him- we talk every day, I thank him every day, cry to him every day and ask him to keep opening doors for our family. I listened to a sermon online posted by the church that I was attending and it "rubbed me the wrong way". Not the whole sermon, but a statement that was made more than once that I don't agree with. And I just haven't been comfortable with going back yet. That doesnt mean that I dont continue to read, pray and talk to him; I do. Every day, more than once. And I 100% believe He will continue to be there for us.
Last night, Devon and I took Alyvia to Storytime at our local library. She LOVED it. They sang, danced, read a few books, and crafted. I am sad that it was the last evening one for a while, but I am going to try my hardest to get her to morning sessions whether her Daddy or Granny take her. I love how social she is. She walks up to every little kid, greets them with a smile and an up-beat "HIIIIIIIII!" with a little giggle. She is getting better with sharing, but its something we still need to work on. As well as her little attitude, but I have to admit, sometimes its totally cute and I cant help but laugh :)
Posted by Megan at 5:42 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 9, 2011
Counting Down!
We have a lot of huge events coming up in the next few weeks...and I am so excited!
Devon will be taking the written test for CFD in a little over a week! And soon after, he will be taking Deleware's written test as well!
Mason (thats our little guy's name!) will have a baby shower in his honor in 3 weeks! A co-worker is throwing it for me, because she is such a phenomenal person and I love her to pieces. I know, I know, it's our second child...but it's a BOY and I love everything about celebrating babies. So I was so thrilled when she said she and another family friend wanted to throw me a shower anyway :)
In just 4 weeks, my SIL will be taking maternity photos for us! We didn't have any done with Alyvia (sad face), but her photog business has grown over the past few months, and she takes photos for us all the time. It'll be more of a family session, embracing the fact that our family is growing <3
5 weeks from this weekend, we will be in Myrtle Beach with some good friends of ours who live there! Devon and I haven't been on vacation since Oct 2007; we wanted to take the time to do something special and fun with Alyvia before her lil' bro got here. Oh I can't wait!
The week of June 19th, my hours will be reduced and I will only be working 20 hrs a week. Financially, yuck. Motherly, yes! I will hopefully only be working 3 days a week (2 eights and a 4) and I will get to spend more time with my Love Bug before we add her little brother to the mix! I have mixed feelings about it, but everyday I get more comfortable with it. God has a plan for us.
The first week of July, we will be moving into my in-laws until I finish up school/get a job, and hopefully sooner than that Devon will be full time with one of the departments! All the while looking for a house to buy.
(that was in case any of you who DO read the blog get confused with what has been/will be happening!)
Posted by Megan at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 2, 2011
More prayers answered.
I wanted to post about this before I forgot! Devon will be testing for Deleware FD in June and he also takes the Columbus FD written test in 2 weeks! Please continue to pray that he does well on both! We are hoping for Deleware because he can "get on" quicker with them, and they make a little more money. He says good things about them and I know he'll do great.
I will be starting a program to become a MAA (Medical Admin Assistant) right after the baby gets here. Im shooting for end of August. If I do it full-time, I can finish in 3 months. But between 2 kiddos, working and school, Im shooting for finishing in 6-7 months. Its cheap and job possibilites are everywhere. Speaking of work - we got word a few weeks ago that beginning June 19th (our one year wedding anniversary) our hours will be reduced to 1000, from 1880. OUCH. But just a few days before that, I prayed that an opportunity came that would allow me to spend more time with my kids. And Im taking this as a blessing in disguise. We will make it work, which is why I have complete and total faith that Devon WILL get a poistion with Deleware :)
Posted by Megan at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 15, 2011
Baby Bump Updates.
-I'll be 26 weeks.....TWENTY SIX!...On Monday! I cant believe it. Are there seriously only at most, 14 weeks til he will be here?! -I am still ALL belly. He is sitting really low and kicks my bladder constantly. He loves chocolate, milk and watermelon. Which is why I eat the stuff all the time :) -The name is finalized. Devon loves it, so we're sticking with it! -I can't sleep on my belly anymore. BOO. -He thinks its funny to move around for about a half hr straight when Momma is ready for bed. -Alyvia LOVES him. LOVES LOVES LOVES him. She snuggles with my belly around 7pm every night, talks to him, covers him up and gives kisses. Its the sweetest thing ever. -My baby shower is about 6 weeks away. Registry is pretty much done. Devon and I are buying his rocker this weekend. -He will be in the bedroom with us in a little cradle that Tash let us use for Alyvia. Since we're staying with Dev's parents for a few months, we dont have to worry about spending the money on decorating the nursery. But I do have it planned out in my head :) -Cravings: Chinese, potatoes, cereal, watermelon. MMM MMM MMM. Thats about it! Glucose test is April 27th :)
Posted by Megan at 7:18 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Gettin Busy!
The past month and a half or so has been filled with birthdays - Alyvia's, MIL, SIL, we've had lots of good weekend dinners. Two weekends ago, we took the girls bowling for the first time. It was a lot of fun...and hardwork. Our next first is the movies - an afternoon matinee or course. I want to take Alyvia to see Rio. I secretly want to see it myself :) This past weekend, I took Alyvia to visit my dad (Papaw) and we went out to dinner. Chinese. I have been craving it like crazy and my hubs hates it. And Sunday, we went to Boston's Gourmet Pizza for Tash and Josh's birthday. Yummo. Alyvia had a meltdown. And inside, Mommy did too. But we survived. A prayer was answered and I have been thanking God every single day. And in June, we'll find out if a second, much needed prayer was answered as well. My faith tells me yes :) Im finding that getting to know God is easier than I thought. I know he's always been there, but I havent always opened myself up to him. We dont make it to church every Sunday, but the reading I do helps A LOT. Pray - it works. We're [slowly] getting things ready for baby boy. We just have had to put it off for financial reasons, but again - we have God to thank for answering a prayer. His Poppy (my FIL) found him a handy dresser and secretly bought it. I shouldnt have been surprised, but we are so very thankful for everything my in-laws do for us. Alyvia's bed is also finished and ready for paint, which I am doing this Saturday morning. I have a feeling I'll cry the first few times she sleeps in it. I dont think any mother is prepared for their kids to grow up so fast. Thats why we're having 7 ;) This weekend, Im also hoping to get some things for little man and Alyvia's spring wardrobe finshed/summer wardrobe started. I have a few things up my sleeve for Easter and am so excited to make them. One of them is Rice Krispie Treat Eggs, filled with M&M's. I saw the commercial for it and squealed in excitement. I also want to get her the movie Tangled, she needs sandals, a bathing suit, and I really want to get her a kite! I am going to attempt to make Push Up Peeps and some other things that have been posted by a site I follow, TipJunkie. Check em out on FB. Happy Birthday Tasha! We love you!
Posted by Megan at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Law of Happiness.
My MIL got me this book for my birthday. So far, two thumbs up. Its about the relationship/relevance between the Word and modern science. The two relate in aspects of life Ive never even thought about. And how YOU choose to be happy. I love it. I read a little everyday and it helps me overcome leaps and bounds. I'm hoping to get Devon to read it after I'm done.
I'm also listening to Daily Devotionals online at work (while I'm working). Its phenomenal. Every message I listen to relates to me. And I'm starting to open my life to God in a way I never thought I would. I have much more to learn, and much more to change, but I can say this; He has touched my life and I'm so happy I've found Him at this point.
If you're a giver (all of us should be) and a passionate person, head over to Another Day Stronger and read her story. She's spreading the story of losing their precious baby girl and awareness of SIDS. It doesnt have to be money, maybe just a kind word of support. I read her blog every day.
I have decided to learn to sew and have the 2 best in-laws :) See, thats whats so great about marrying into a great family. They are good people and love to help. I want to learn to make some burp cloths for little man, and maybe some ties, or towels! We also scheduled our Maternity/Family photos with my SIL, Tasha. I can't wait.
We now have 18 weeks til little man gets here! And have so much to do. I know it'll get done tho.
Posted by Megan at 7:13 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Hoping for a Healthy Heart.
When Alyvia had her 2 year check-up, her pediatrician said that she wanted her to see a cardiologist. She discovered a heart murmer that she "hadn't heard before." A small one, so that eased my mind a little, but still. Her heart?! Nothing could possibly be wrong with it. She laughs, screams, runs, plays, cries, and breathes just fine. So that's what Im going to tell myself all day tonight/tomorrow. Everything will be JUST FINE at her appointment tomorrow morning.
Dev says that I have an irregular heartbeat - he likes to listen to it with his stethescope sometimes. So hopefully its just genectic and we'll be in and out of there in no time.
Nevertheless, please pray for her tonight. Thank you.
Posted by Megan at 12:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
New plans!
A lot of new things are going to be happening the next few months. Well, we'll be busy getting ready for May-July! Devon and I realized a while ago that our lease was up the SAME week Im due! EEEK! We have 3 bedrooms, and plenty of room for the new baby - BUT our electric bill has been outrageous. We have ALL electric, and when we moved in we had asked the home owners what was their highest bill in the winter. They said $290. High, but we could swing that. Well, when we got Dec-Jan bill - lets just say it was more than that. We aren't home 50% of the time, and half of our baseboards arent on (we have baseboard heat). I was appauled. We cant do $350 electric bills all winter long with a new baby. We WONT do that! And, we're sick of renting. So we're gonna throw everything in storage and move on in to Dev's parents' house again! Im 100% ok with that. Ive learned to just accept the help and keep my mouth shut. Alyvia will have her own room, we have the back half (kind of a sun room) for Dev, me and the new baby. There is PLENTY of room. I think their house is like 2500 sq ft! I want to have a goal month to try to be out/find a house we can buy. But I know it's going to take work. And lots of patience! It'll be summer, so his mom will be home and can help with the kids! I know she wont mind. We're still wanting to find a house in TVSD. And with all the foreclosures/HUD homes, Im sure we can find something we can live with! Its going to be a huge test for us, but I know we can do it.
Please keep praying for Dev to find a FT position at a FD. Its a long, tedious process!
Posted by Megan at 11:48 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 4, 2011
This new year has flown by. Its a love/hate relationship. I love that little man will be here in about 20 weeks, but hate that Alyvia continues to grow up so, so fast. I love that warmer weather is well on its way, but hate that it will come and go just a quickly. Again with the warmer weather, which means not so EXPENSIVE electric bills. Its been a rough road with that one. BAH!
I will be the big 2-2 next Sunday, the 13th. Birthdays just aren't fun for me anymore. Plus, I feel like I'm much older. We made it another year though, and that is something to be thankful for.
I've vowed to myself that Im done stressing about bills. There arent many 22 year olds out there that have a house, 2 cars, student loans to pay on, life-health-car and renters insurance, a $300 electric bill, cell phone, paying off the ONE credit card we HAD, and co-pays/medical bills that they have to pay for. We ARE making it, by making SMART decisions - paying bills BEFORE we get "extras". I dont think of clothes for the kids as "extras" though; they need those, but we still dont get them unless we know we can. We dont have cable (I think thats a luxury) and it still doesnt bother us. We havent had it for almost a year and I can only imagine how much money we've saved. My rantin' and ravin' is mostly to remind myself that we are doing ok and will continue too. BUT we still need to keep praying for a full-time FF opportunity in the near future. We need that too.
I'm still planning on putting Alyvia in swim lessons - but Devon and I both agreed that the older she is (closer to 2 1/2-ish), the more she'll enjoy it and the more she'll understand. I DEFINITELY want to put her in gymnastics soon after!
Posted by Megan at 5:39 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
"I am TWO!"
Posted by Megan at 6:58 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 11, 2011
I am (almost) 17 weeks pregnant! And I am ALL belly. All my shirts hug around my little bump and I love it - even though I don't feel 100% attactive all the time - I still love it! We were lucky enough to see the little guy in 3D last Friday and let me tell you, it was awesome. He was on the move the whole time and it completely amazed me that he had so many distinctive features already. Alyvia came along to "meet" her little brother. She stood below the screen where his image was projected and kept saying "Beebeeeee!" Totally made me tear up. She knows that Momma has a baby in her belly. In fact, she'll even give em kisses every now and then. I know she'll be a GREAT big sister. And I can't wait.
Little Miss will be 2 NEXT Thursday. Oh em gee - I told her she wasn't allowed to grow up any more after that. She knows its almost birthday. When I ask her, "Lyvi, is it almost your birthday?!" She'll say "MMHMM! Hatttty Dirrrttay!" Melts my heart. She is so, SO smart. She can count to 3 all by herself. And knows she'll be "TOWOOOWW!" I just love how she says 'two'. She says A LOT of new words and phrases - it would take entirely too long to list them all on here ;)
We are keeping the baby's name a secret, for as long as I can. Sorry :)
Posted by Megan at 9:16 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 7, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
My Little Lady.
Last night, Alyvia hosted her first tea party - all on her own. It was the cutest thing I have ever witnessed.
In her play room, she has a tea party table with 2 chairs, and a tea party set that she usually just clangs together to make noise. Oh, but not yesterday. She sat 2 of her babies down in the chairs, got out the tea cups then pretended to pour her milk from her cup into the tea cups. She then proceeded to give each of her babies a drink, saying "MMMM! Gink! MMM! Gink!" Her cute little self hosted that tea party for a good half hour. A whole half hour of bliss for me. I sat at the kitchen table with a smile on my face, observing her every big-girl move. It warmed my heart and I wish we could have stayed in that moment for a little longer. I got the video camera out, but the batteries were dead and I (still) don't know how to charge it :( I will kick myself in the butt for that one for a long, long time.
Afterwards, she put both her babies in her stoller, and pushed them around like a little Mommy. She still managed to be quite hilarious and chased the dog around the kitchen table with the stroller too.
I am so thankful for all these moments.
Posted by Megan at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 21, 2011
Two year photos!

Posted by Megan at 9:07 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
A quick little post while Im thinking about it!
Alyvia will be 2 next month! Tasha just took her 2nd birthday photos and they made me cry. Might be the hormones, but I loved every single one of them. I am planning, with the help of my SIL and MIL, her birthday party. Its a down on the farm theme and Im totally excited to see it all come together. About 100 people are invited. YES, I KNOW. Family is ginormous and we have a lot of friends who have kids! So a total of 100, sending out about 70 invites. It'll be fun tho! I'm doing cupcakes- making them myself- easy foods and cute little centerpieces. Colors are pink and white with lots of farm animals. We're going to get her a basketball hoop for her playroom. I cant wait to see her play with it!
Devon has applied at 2 departments this month and I have a good feeling that one of them will work out soon. He is still working an exhausting 65 hours a week, but Im hopeful that it will slow down as soon as he gets that full time position as a FF :)
I am 12 weeks and 2 days pregnant! The little 'guy' is the size of a peach and I have been feeling movements here and there! I have started to plan the nursery, went though Alyvia's clothes and picked out names :)
I have been on an emotional rollercoaster with some things that have been going on lately (side note: Dev and I are great) and I have accepted the fact that I have a lot of healing to do. I can only control ME and take care of me and my family. I need to learn that, along with accepting that I cannot control or change what other people do or how they act. As many times as I am hurt, I need to know that it isnt because of me, it isnt MY fault. I am joining a church with a good friend/co worker and am so excited to learn these things. I need it.
Posted by Megan at 12:42 PM 0 comments