My baby will be TWO in FOUR months. That to me shouldn't be possible. She's starting to put together sentences and thoughts. She knows when I pick her up from Auntie Tasha's, we go 'ommmme' to eat 'num nums'. She recognizes Elmo, and calls him 'MolMo'. Its totally cute when she makes the face right before she says it. She knows the 'babay' goes 'ni-night, shhhh!' She knows to put her 'szoos on'; how to 'buush tees'; and so many others. It makes me SO proud to see her learn new things.
Last weekend, we had a (mini) photo session with S&S. I am SO anxious and excited to see them. Some of you will get one with your Christmas Letter! These girls are the bomb diggity.
Dev and I also had a date night last Saturday. The first one in a VERY long time. We went to see Life as We Know It - LOVED it. He did too :)
I cannot wait to take Alyvia trick or treating this year. She is gonna be (yet again) so SUPER cute! This year, she can walk, so it'll be even more fun than last!
We went to the Pumpkin Show last night. Crowded, cold, but I love to go. We primarily wanted to see the parade of bands, but it was a little too cold for Alyvia to be out. So we left an hour before and went home!
Tomorrow we are going to Boo at the Zoo. Its supposed to be nice and probaby the last time we'll be able to go this year...besides the Christmas Lights! It'll be fun!
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