My last post...I was having a horrible day. I will probably elaborate on it more in a later post...but I dont really think anyone reads this anyway so I guess it doesnt matter! LOL.
Devon got a new job at OSUMC as a Paramedic in the ER. You can tell he's going to love it. He'll be working mainly 7p-7a 3 nights a week, with plenty of opportunity for overtime. All the schooling is finally worth it!
Alyvia is growing into this little young lady and it makes me smile all the time. She's very girly when it comes to fashion...she LOVES necklaces, bracelets, hair bows (which she calls 'pretties') and shoes. She loves to get all dressed up and push around her baby stoller. At the same time, she'll go outside all dressed up, then pick up a handful of dirt. Love it.
She is beginning to say her name. She does a pretty good job! It sounds more like 'LivleeA!'
She is in LOVE with the movie Monsters Inc. We watch it once a day...she'll grab the dvd case and walk up to us growling...thats her way of asking to watch it. 'RAWRRRR peeeese!'
Ring around the rosey is her new thing. She loves to spin around in circles and then yell DOWN really loud.
She loves the swing, slide and her water table...and her pet bunny! She calls it 'ba ba nunny'. SO funny.
We got her first pair of Nikes. They make her look so big.
She is in the 40th percentile in her height....but not on the chart for her weight. Oh well!
This past Thursday, we spent the majority of the night in the ER. She basically had an asthma attack. She was breathing twice as many reps as she needed to. They prescribed her an inhaler and steriods. She is much better.
Zoe's birthday party was totally cute. She got lots of goodies and mommy (Tash) did a great job decorating. It has my head spinning with ideas for Alyvia's 2nd birthday already!
We are having a house warming party Sept 4th...so excited for everyone to finally see it :)
'Remember what matters'...thats what Ive been living by these past few days. I love me some words of inspiration.
This nobody loves reading your blog :) keep it coming!! <3
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