Friday, July 23, 2010

17 month Alyvia!

1. She's starting to speak more clearly. She says please when she wants something, can usually tell us what she wants to eat, can say bath -- and gets SO excited -- and a lots of others.
2. She's climber. Furniture, toilets, toys, whatever. And she can usually do it herself.
3. Her hair is SO blonde. Its getting thicker by the day and I cant wait to see those curls.
4. She says yes and shakes her head up and down when we ask her a yes or no question. It is absolutely adorable.
5. Her favorite movies/cartoons are: Clifford, Wonder Pets, Yo Gabba Gabba and Olivia! We dont have cable at home, so she doesnt watch them often, but she loves to dance to the music when she does!
6. Her absolute best friend is Miss Zoe, aka Za Za. They love seeing each other every day. And they are gonna cause so much trouble together!
7. She has about 12 teeth. There are teeth marks on her crib from chewing on it when she's supposed to be sleeping!
8. Shes still a GREAT sleeper. And puts herself to sleep (she has since about 9 months). She sleeps with a bunny, baby and her 'silky' that she rubs on her face. So cute.
9. Her favorite foods right now: ANTHING with cheese, fig nutons and nutrigrain bars, watermelon, the mini lunchables with ham, spaghetti with meatballs, iced animal cookies, taco meat (mixed with sour cream, salsa and cheese), pizza, bananas and corn! She doesnt LOVE green beans, but she'll eat them. BUT she's still a PEANUT! Only about 21 pounds. Oh well :)
10. She is currently in potty training 101, and likes to flush the toilet.
11. Her favorite nursery song is itsy-bitsy spider. She can do the motions all my herself.
12. She has to kiss everyone bye-bye.
13. She loves to play the drums, just like her daddy. And is still a dancin machine.
There's more...but momma's gotta get back to work!