Thursday, February 4, 2010

10 things that make me happy :))

This will be hard...I can only chose 10!

1 - Alyvia Grace, she's more than perfect!
2 - Devon Jasper. Almost 13 years of knowing each other, and I still love seeing him everyday.
3 - My job. I love working with kids. Even though the pay isn't what it needs to be!
4 - Our future. We have so many things to look forward to.
5 - Devon's strive to make a life for us. He is doing so well in the classroom and busting is a** to pay the bills at the same time.
6 - He's the best daddy in the world, too!
7 - Knowing I will be getting married soon! Its been a long road, but I cant wait!
8 - Snuggling with my loves!
9 - Shopping! Especially for Alyvia!
10 - Ameretto Sours...mmmm.

Your turn...