After a wonderful Christmas, I had another week off from work (yahoo!) and spent it with Lyvi and watched my friends 2 kids a few days. It was so cute watching all 3 of them playing together! Thursday night, Dev got home early for New Years Eve and we decided to just stay home & watch movies. Two good friends came over to have some drinks and play some cards; overall it was a fun, relaxed night.
Friday we went to my mom's for my most favorite lunch of the year, pork, sourkraut and mashed potatoes! MMM! Then headed to Tash & Josh's for the game. Lyvi was such a good girl, and passed out at 8ish so we decided to stay (a.) because the boys wanted to drink and (b.) the roads were getting bad. Thankfully they allowed us to stay (:
Saturday we were lazy and took down the tree (which makes me very sad), then had dinner at Dev's parents'.
Dev has been gone since 6am today and wont be back til Tuesday evening... Lyvi and I have been lazy all day...she is almost pulling herself up on things, lord help us! Oh and she learned to clap!!!! On New Years Eve she started clapping and it is the cutest thing in the world! She does it constantly now.
I am planning her birthday party (sad face). I cannnnnoooot believe she will be a year old in 6 weeks! She gets more adorable by the minute and is growing up so fast.. it is so much fun to watch her grow tho!
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