Saturday, November 28, 2009

I am Thankful...

First and foremost, for my Family. It isnt always easy, but they are my reason for breathing and I could never ask for 2 more perfect people in my life.

2. My mom, sister, and two brothers....they are my backbone.

3. The job I DO have. These days, many people dont have one. And thankfully, I love it!

4. The roof over my head. Its not a million dollar mansion, but it's a start! And there is so much love in my home.

5. In-Laws; we've had our rough spots, but I know they'd do anything for us.

6. I get to marry my best doesnt get any better than that.
We have amazing plans for our future...more kids soon, hopefully buying a house in July or August, wedding in JUNE, Devon will have a secure and good paying job buy then too...
I am thankful!