Saturday, November 28, 2009

I am Thankful...

First and foremost, for my Family. It isnt always easy, but they are my reason for breathing and I could never ask for 2 more perfect people in my life.

2. My mom, sister, and two brothers....they are my backbone.

3. The job I DO have. These days, many people dont have one. And thankfully, I love it!

4. The roof over my head. Its not a million dollar mansion, but it's a start! And there is so much love in my home.

5. In-Laws; we've had our rough spots, but I know they'd do anything for us.

6. I get to marry my best doesnt get any better than that.
We have amazing plans for our future...more kids soon, hopefully buying a house in July or August, wedding in JUNE, Devon will have a secure and good paying job buy then too...
I am thankful!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I'm still here!

Our internet has been acting up lately, but somehow I got it to work tonight...and thought, I havent blogged in a while!!

Alyvia is...9 months old!! Teething, "crawling" on her side, sitting up, eating solids, starting to get into everything!!! Her hair is getting longer and thicker too... she's still a peanut, only 16 pounds, but happy and healthy!! She's entertaining, to say the least...dancing, singing, talking... I cant get enough!!!

I have unfortunately missed 2 straight weeks of work. The first week, I was SO sick. The most sick I have been in years!!! Then, Alyvia got sick... it was a rough week, but she's up and runnin again! The financial part is gonna suck, but we'll get through it!

My brother made it to the second round of high school playoffs as a senior. We were able to make it to one of them...I just cant believe I'm never gonna watch him under those Friday Night Lights again! But now its on to basketball season...

Dev is still busy, as usual. He turns 21 in about 2 weeks, and will also be HALFWAY done with school!! Yay!!! Come July, we will be set for life (:

I got my wedding dress!!! I am IN LOVE with it.... but I cant reveal many details cuz you know who will try to be snoopy! And thats what I wanted! I also found my bridesmaids dresses. Super cute! The wedding planning is slowly coming together... We are happy to say Tash will be our photographer. I was debating on hiring someone so she could enjoy the day but bottom line is she'll take just as many, if not more, photos than a hired photographer! His uncle Todd will be shooting some too.

Tomorrow is the McGinnis' Thanksgiving dinner. Our first with our own family! Then it's only a 3 day work week, and black Friday madness!!!