I go through Alyvia's pictures almost on a daily basis. I am still in complete awe that time goes by so fast. This is picture was taken almost 7 months ago, on the exact day she was born... She has made my life more meaningful than I could have ever imagined.

At 6 1/2 months old, she got her first infection/fungus...Thrush; little white bumps on the inside of her mouth. A little one in her nursery had it, so I'm guessing thats where she got it from, but it was just a few bumps and its already completely cleared up. This little booger is sitting up on her own better and better every day. She cant pull herself up completely alone yet, but we give her about 2 or 3 weeks before she can...she is though sitting up like a big girl, and it is entirely tooooo cute (:
Last Saturday, we made a trip to Jeffersonville...it was great weather, and luckily it was Labor Day weekend and there were TONS of AWESOME sales! We got her a bunch of fall/winter stuff for great sale prices.
Sunday we didn't do much of anything; housework and snuggling is usually how our Sundays are spent. I love it though! And Monday we went to my mom's house to have dinner with my grandparents and some family who was visiting from Michigan! Alyvia was the life of the party, of course (;
It was back to work today, and dont get me wrong, I LOVE my job and the kids I teach, but I do miss being home every day with my buggie. Once we have more kids, I have a degree and some working experience, I hope to be a stay-at-home momma again. Hopefully by the time she's 5 or 6, but if I have to wait thats okay. Dev will have a great job in a year or so, and I cant wait to not be worried about finances so much anymore! We arent broke, and have spending money, but it'll be nice when we can take vacations and have more spending money than we do now. hehe (: Speaking of vacations, we are going to Myrtle Beach with my momma next July and hoping/planning to make a trip to Cali to visit Dev's family who we miss very much! Oh, and I've finally realized what I want to do career wise, and I'm so excited about it!!!! I'm not gonna go back to school full-time probably until Dev's graduated and we figure out where we want to permanately live...but that'll be by next July too. Life is just gonna get better from here, if thats possible (: (: A lot will be happening around that time next year...expect lots of changes (;
This Friday is another football night, and Saturday we are headin to Marietta for the Sternwheel Fest!
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