Happy August!
So much has happened the past, well uh, MONTH since I've updated!
4th of July was GREAT; Alyvia LOVED the fireworks and of course she behaved like a princess! We went to Red White and Boom & my friend Lacey's house to watch Lancaster's fireworks and hangout with her and her kids! Of course, anytime we do something, it's always a good time as long as I've got my favorite people beside me! :]
I was grateful enough to get a job a at daycare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you can't tell, I am so excited and thankful for that! I will be working with 16 month to 3 year olds, and Alyvia will be in the room right next to me!! Did I mention she gets to go for FREE!! I am so happy about that :]
My friends little girl turned 2 a few weekends ago; we went to her "tea party". She is honestly THE smartest 2 year old I have ever met!! We love you Kylie Mae!! Alyvia has many many friends: Alaina, Tanner, Alexis, Elle, Kylie, all her cousins on my side of the family -- her cousin is on the way, and a lot of my friends have babies her age too! She's gonna have so much fun growin up with all the little boogers :]
Lyvi Bug got her EARS PIERCED!!! You probably already knew that, but I am a proud momma so I have bragging rights!! She did great, and hasnt bothered them yet!
She is also rolling over both ways, sleeping TEN hours thru the night, just started on stage TWO foods cuz the stage one just wasn't fillin her belly up, trying to crawl, AND, yes, trying to pull her diaper off -- it is HILARIOUS. For now, lol!
DEV AND I FINALLY GOT OUR OWN PLACE!! It happened suddenly, but we were looking anyways and had planned on being out by the 1st of August. It's in cville; 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, basement...$529 a month!! We just couldnt pass up that deal! I am so so so so so so happy. My mom's boyfriend Gary helped us move all our things with his truck and trailer, which we were so thankful for, and for the most part the house is all together! I wanna get a few more decorative things, adhesive vinyl for Alyvia's room, a new dresser for her cuz the drawers always always stick in the one she has, and a new entertainment center (eventually). Money is actually not near as tight as we had planned on, which is so nice! And not having to pay for childcare helps TREMENDOUSLY! We're close to everything, and its gonna be so convenient for Pumpkin Show!!! I cant wait for all the things to come, especially Christmas! Alyvia will be the right age to enjoy it, and will get to wake up in her own home to all the gifts "Ho-Ho" brought for her!! :]
I'm just so excited that we finally feel like our own family. I am so incredibly in love with my life right now!
Friday night we had a little house warming party. Our friends came over for food and fun, and it turned out to be a great night! A few friends I dont get to see very often stopped by, which I was very happy about!! Alyvia was PERFECT, as always. She slept the WHOLE night; no need for a babysitter when I knew she would be just fine :]
And today, Dev worked at the Firehouse; the town is having go-cart races and he had to be there for it. He told me a sad story last night about a man who got very hurt, unfortunately. He did his job though, as always. I dont say it enough, but I am SO happy and proud of him. In less than a year, all this busy-ness will be over and we wont ever have to worry about money or not seeing him very often ever again! I love love love love him :]
My momma is cookin me dinner tonight, YAY! She always puts together a great dinner :]
See ya later!
She is a happy girl :)
I'm glad you guys had fun Friday night!
I knew she'd sleep and be good...I just offered to babysit so you guys could hang out, sleep in, and not have to worry about being "parents" for the night. But glad it went well :)
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