My cousin got married yesterday! It was such a cute, simple wedding; you could tell a lot of love was included in the decorations and planning. She has 2 little boys and now a wonderful husband. I'm happy for her!
Dev, Alyvia and I had a great time at the reception. It was at the Elks in Cville. I saw some family I havent seen in a while, and of course danced a little :] Dev did the chicken dance, and TRIED to do the electric slide... my mom was crackin up at him.
Since the wedding, I've been brainstorming ideas for every aspect of our future. I am going to steal one of Allie's ideas for our wedding...ok, well 2. One of em is a BIG money saver. Mom said she's already talked to someone about being the dj at the reception, and we'll prolly do the flowers ourselves.
I called about a job today, but have a back-up plan: if anyone (that I know) would like their house cleaned once a month or so, let me know! Then started to weigh out the options of either buying land and putting a pre-built home/building a house on it, buying a home for sale, or renting for a while first. We'll be able to talk about it more once I am working. I just cant wait to do our own decorating/landscaping etc. I already know the colors I want in each room of our house... :)
I called about a job today, but have a back-up plan: if anyone (that I know) would like their house cleaned once a month or so, let me know! Then started to weigh out the options of either buying land and putting a pre-built home/building a house on it, buying a home for sale, or renting for a while first. We'll be able to talk about it more once I am working. I just cant wait to do our own decorating/landscaping etc. I already know the colors I want in each room of our house... :)
Dev got into medic school :) Yes, I am happy for him, but this next year is gonna be long and hard. Once he's out tho, he'll be able to get an even better job making more money and I can finish school quicker.
I have been tanning, thank god! I cant stand being pasty white. I've already got a good tan going for summer! I hated wearing shorts because my legs looked terrible, but I dnt have to worry about that anymore. And I've started workin out every day again! All in all, I feel better about myself.
I have been tanning, thank god! I cant stand being pasty white. I've already got a good tan going for summer! I hated wearing shorts because my legs looked terrible, but I dnt have to worry about that anymore. And I've started workin out every day again! All in all, I feel better about myself.
My brother turned 17 today; I cant believe it. And my little sister will be 15 in two weeks :( Time sure does fly. I got to spend time with them friday night; I stayed at my moms cuz she worked late and Jacob missed Alyvia. He wants her to call him Uncle Bub :)
Dev is at the firehouse for the 2nd time this weekend, and I cant sleep... errrr. But I'm gonna watch another movie, so night!
Dev is at the firehouse for the 2nd time this weekend, and I cant sleep... errrr. But I'm gonna watch another movie, so night!
Happy Mother's Day! Your daughter is beautiful!
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