Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Remember When.

My doctor's appt went well today. I am 60% effaced, thank goodness! The effacing is more important than the dialation right now, so I was really happy to hear that. My doctor said they'd like to keep her in my belly for about another week, but if I went into labor they wouldn't stop it. She also said there is no way I'll make it to my actual due date. As long as I'm full term and Alyvia is healthy enough to come out, then thats fine with me!

Today I've really thought about how it feels like just yesterday we found out we were expecting. I remember the first person I told other than Dev, how emotional I was... I just sat on the front porch and cried because I was so scared. We've had bumps in the road since then, but everything has definitely fell into place.

This new year is gonna be so eventful... I'm gonna be a Mommy, aunt and cousin!! So many new babies in so little time. It's gonna be fuuuunn :)

I'm gonna take a nap now!