Saturday, December 27, 2008

Isn't it winter?

This morning around 7:30 I took Hershey out and walked outside without a coat thinking it'd be cold, but NO it was like 50 degrees! And ended up reaching almost 70. I thought it was kinda scary that we're approaching January and it feels like September.

Well anyways, Dev decided to let me sleep in today while he got up with the dog.. that was so nice of him :) I cleaned up the house a little, took a shower and we just got back from my brother's basketball game. Dev gets nervous cuz I "get in" to the game, which includes jumping and screaming, and he doesn't want me to end up going into labor... thoughful of him, yes, but I love the game, and well quite frankly have an opinion about everything. Lol.

Tomorrow he has to work 7am-7pm :( It was nice to have 3 days with each other though. Next week is busy, busy, busy! I got my stuff from Franklin to start my classes, but need to come up with the money to pay for the class...more student loans. Thursday is the McGinnis Christmas, Friday we have a tour at Riverside, Saturday is my (can you believe it) SHOWER!, and Sunday Hershey has an appointment and we'll prolly do some running around.


So much excitement, I can't wait.