More good news for our family!
About 2 weeks ago I had an interview for a permanent position with the State. I have worked for them since Feb 2010, just as an intermittent. If you remember, my hours got cut in June, and by the grace of God, 3 permanent positions opened. Since last week, my hours were increased again, and I should know about the position this week or next. I have a lot of faith in this one.
We have also been in the process of trying to get approved for a home loan. Our credit isn't great, but we've been working on it and it's improved. Luckily I have a family member who is a realtor and gave me a name to a mortgage lender who can help us out. So far, I love her. She's helping me get some things cleared up so we can get a better interest rate and move forward. We may wait until after the holidays to purchase. We have a lot of people we need to give back to, and while we have the extra money we need to do it.
Trick or treat was fun. Alyvia was adorable! Mason slept. :) We went to my hometown and a near by town yesterday. So much fun.
Dev's birthday is about 5 weeks away and I am so excited that I have a surprise up my sleeve for him. I don't get to do this often!
And now...I am so excited for the holidays!
God is good.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Movin on up!
Posted by Megan at 12:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 17, 2011
I've FALLen behind again!
Oh boy. I just dont get to use the computer at home much with two munchkins! If they nap, well, I nap too ;) ANYwho - everything is great. Fall is upon us and I just LOVE it. So many fun things coming up and you all know, I am a huge holiday buff! It is PUMPKIN SHOW week! We plan on going Fri & Saturday morning to let Alyvia ride some rides with her little girlfriend, Hayden :) Her mom & I went to school together! This Sunday, we are going to The Wilds with the family. I went once when I was pregnant with Alyvia - she's going to LOVE it!
Devon is now on DAYS! It is so nice to actually share a bed with a spouse, even though he is a bed-hogger! ;) He usually works 7a-7p, with a few 11a-11p's in there. He is going to start picking up OT so we can prepare for the holidays. Once a week for a few weeks. He says he doesn't mind, and I know it is easier to now that he gets sleep! He also gets sworn in at MTFD this Wednesday! I didn't get to go when he swore in at Scioto because we came home with Alyvia the same day, so I'm excited to see it!
Mason will be three months old in 2 days. CANT believe it. He rolled over for the first time today for Daddy, belly to back! He is a talking machine. You almost forget what those coo's sound like! Alyvia still loves him to pieces. And I love it!
I have a little nephew on the way! Tash and Josh are expecting a little boy! SO excited. Zoe will be a great big sis.
Alyvia and Mason are going to be Jessie & Woody from Toy Story. Her costume is to die for. I cant wait to see her in it! That reminds me, gotta get her some boots! And Mase Man too :)
Dev and I are hoping to buy a house around May. If things keep going in the direction they have been, I have complete faith that we will keep that goal! God has been great to us.
Posted by Megan at 12:43 PM 0 comments