Last night, Alyvia hosted her first tea party - all on her own. It was the cutest thing I have ever witnessed.
In her play room, she has a tea party table with 2 chairs, and a tea party set that she usually just clangs together to make noise. Oh, but not yesterday. She sat 2 of her babies down in the chairs, got out the tea cups then pretended to pour her milk from her cup into the tea cups. She then proceeded to give each of her babies a drink, saying "MMMM! Gink! MMM! Gink!" Her cute little self hosted that tea party for a good half hour. A whole half hour of bliss for me. I sat at the kitchen table with a smile on my face, observing her every big-girl move. It warmed my heart and I wish we could have stayed in that moment for a little longer. I got the video camera out, but the batteries were dead and I (still) don't know how to charge it :( I will kick myself in the butt for that one for a long, long time.
Afterwards, she put both her babies in her stoller, and pushed them around like a little Mommy. She still managed to be quite hilarious and chased the dog around the kitchen table with the stroller too.
I am so thankful for all these moments.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
My Little Lady.
Posted by Megan at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 21, 2011
Two year photos!

Posted by Megan at 9:07 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
A quick little post while Im thinking about it!
Alyvia will be 2 next month! Tasha just took her 2nd birthday photos and they made me cry. Might be the hormones, but I loved every single one of them. I am planning, with the help of my SIL and MIL, her birthday party. Its a down on the farm theme and Im totally excited to see it all come together. About 100 people are invited. YES, I KNOW. Family is ginormous and we have a lot of friends who have kids! So a total of 100, sending out about 70 invites. It'll be fun tho! I'm doing cupcakes- making them myself- easy foods and cute little centerpieces. Colors are pink and white with lots of farm animals. We're going to get her a basketball hoop for her playroom. I cant wait to see her play with it!
Devon has applied at 2 departments this month and I have a good feeling that one of them will work out soon. He is still working an exhausting 65 hours a week, but Im hopeful that it will slow down as soon as he gets that full time position as a FF :)
I am 12 weeks and 2 days pregnant! The little 'guy' is the size of a peach and I have been feeling movements here and there! I have started to plan the nursery, went though Alyvia's clothes and picked out names :)
I have been on an emotional rollercoaster with some things that have been going on lately (side note: Dev and I are great) and I have accepted the fact that I have a lot of healing to do. I can only control ME and take care of me and my family. I need to learn that, along with accepting that I cannot control or change what other people do or how they act. As many times as I am hurt, I need to know that it isnt because of me, it isnt MY fault. I am joining a church with a good friend/co worker and am so excited to learn these things. I need it.
Posted by Megan at 12:42 PM 0 comments