Thursday, September 30, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Love letter.
Alyvia has these bath crayons. We practice getting to know our colors, shapes, and doodle when she's in the bathtub. We CANT take a bath without using them. She knows what a circle is -- AKA, ball. Lol. She asks me to draw it and we talk about the shape and color. I write her name and the letter A to show her 'A is for Alyvia' and we write I love you over and over and over again.
Alyvia isnt the only one who likes those crayons. One night this week, she was taking a shower with Daddy and told him she was 'done'. I went in to get her and Dev told me to not come back in cuz he was writting Mommy a letter. Oh gosh, I thought...usually he writes Mommy smells worse than Daddy or Mommy is a weirdo. But this time it was different.
After he got out of the shower I sneaked in there and opened the shower curtain. Instead of a silly remark I saw 'I Love You Because...'
There were about 10 reasons, some of them funny, that Dev listed. One was 'you havent killed me yet'. He makes me laugh everyday....
Posted by Megan at 12:12 PM 2 comments
Thursday, September 16, 2010
This is what we have been telling Alyvia A LOT lately. When we take her shirt off, when she brushes her teeth, says a new word, and most recently...when she uses the BIG GIRL potty! The past week, she's gone a few times all by herself! We'll let her run around nakey, and I think she's starting to understand when its time to 'go'. Last night, all 3 of us were in the bathroom (yes, its a group effort) and Daddy had to go potty (sorry if this is TMI), so we asked Lyvi to sit on the potty and low and behold she had already gone! She walked her happy little butt in there right before all 3 of us ended up in there and went all by herself! She gets a 'stitey' (sticker) everytime she goes...right after we flush the toilet and say 'bye-bye'. She RUNS for the kitchen and asks for one...then we put in on her chart together, clap and say YAY, SOOO BIG! She gets so proud of herself, and I love it.
Granny got her an old school desk. Ive been wanting on for a while. This girl loves to read and color, and Granny ended up finding one at an antique store! I may repaint it, but I havent decided yet. Eventually, I want to get a little table for her play room too...for when we have more kids, and they have friends over. It feels so weird to say that. Play dates, sleep overs...they'll be lots of fun :)
This past weekend we (Talea, Tash & Zoe, Melissa & Logann, and Alyvia & I) made a trip to Marietta for the Sternwheel fest and visited some family. I love it down there. We ate some fair food, visited and met some family we hadn't yet, and watched the awesome fireworks. Im tellin ya, they are better than RR&B! We ended up staying in a hotel and drove home in the morning. We need to go down there more often...nevertheless, it was fun!
Ive had a few rough days...some things I just cant accept or let go of. Some things I dont understand, wonder why, or what if. Im trying, but sometimes, I just explode. I know what is the root of my anger...or should I say the numerous things that are the root of my anger...I just need to learn to not let it effect everything else. Im trying to learn how.
Sunday, Tash took a friend of mine's family photos. She's never had them done so I decided to make it a Christmas gift. Another friend helped me pay for them. Cant wait to see em!
Our family photos are scheduled with S & S on October 16th...Im really excited for them- I have a few ideas and they always do great!
I am totally excited for the Holidays!!! Its going to be such a fun time of the year this year. Well, it always is...but each year gets better than the last!
Posted by Megan at 10:10 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Tell me this isnt the CUTEST thing you've ever seen...

Miss Alyiva. She will be 19 months in about a week-ish. She has grown into quite the little lady. Check out the bling...necklaces are a MUST. Every single day, at some point in time, she HAS to have a necklace on. Her straight jeans. I just love her little tush in them. And her ballin' Nikes. Pink and Fabulous. She loves shoes, and likes to tap dance with them on our wood floors. The hat, LOVE. She wears it longer than I expect her to...and it just looks so cute on her big ol' head. Her baby blues MELT my heart. And her little 'big' girl smile with all those teeth, I cant get enough :)
Posted by Megan at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 2, 2010
So, remember those 'changes' I've been anticipating for a while...well I'll be able to elaborate...tomorrow. Hopefully. Im the most impatient person in the world, so Im pretty proud of myself for letting it go this long.
After almost only 2 weeks of being at his new job, Dev got a $2/hr raise. When he came home last night and told me, I was like...seriously? 'Yep, Im pretty sweet.' His response to I can tell he really likes it, a lot. He's been working 7a-7p's this week...his schedule isn't consistant yet cuz he's still in training. But in about a week or so, it'll be 7p-7a most of the time.
Since Dev's schedule change, he is able to stay home one week day and spend the day with Alyvia. I know he enjoys that. When I came home Tuesday...she was laughing and running around like a crazy woman. I knew she had a good day. We took her to my sister's volleyball game that night...and she was bound and determined to be on that floor playing too! If you dont know, her momma (aka, me!) was quite the volleyball player in high school. And man do I miss it! I really, really, really, really hope she plays too!
Our friends Zack and Kaley will be moving to SC soon... :( Happy for him, he got a job as a firefighter down there, but we have grown pretty close the past year or so. We may take a mini vacation and help them move...and of course, go to the beach!!! They'll be married soon too! We love you guys and are very happy for you!
Saturday is our house warming party. Im excited, but bummed that I sent out more than one email to people asking them to RSVP...and they never did. If you cant come, then RSVP 'Sorry, cant make it!' Dont just leave me hangin'! We're still expectin about 20 people or so...I love grilling out and bon-fires, so it should be fun!
I am so excited to have a 3 day weekend...Labor Day Sales...YES!!!
Posted by Megan at 7:20 AM 0 comments