Tonight has been kinda rough. Lyvi bug hasnt felt well all day. We took her temp and she didnt have too much of a fever, but we gave her some medicine just in case and stripped her down to her diaper. She did fine up until about an hour ago. Didnt have a fever, but she was sweating, my guess was the house was too hot and she was too uncomfy. She is now laying beside me not wanting to sleep... I'm just glad shes not cryin anymore.
I started playin co-ed softball with Josh. First game wasnt my best...I havent played in 2years and you could say I was a little nervous. I'm like the smallest girl ever there- hope I dont get line drived or knocked out! We play again Thursday, I know I'll do better; no more first game jitters!
I love Devon more and more each day...We have been absolutely WONDERFUL lately and I cant get enough of it! We agree on more, listen to each other, go do things as a family while trying to save a little to get our own place. We went shoppin at Easton Friday cuz I got my tax returns. Cowgirl boots, shorts, a few tanks and a summer dress, plus some amazing smelling perfume! And we got him a nice new shirt :] It was such a nice night to be out and about. Lyvi stayed up the whole time; she loved all the lights and commotion.

Yesterday was my, I cant believe it, brother's junior prom. I went over to my mom's to help him get ready cuz she was at a volleyball tourney in Wittenburg (that lady is busier than anyone I know, bless her heart). I took pictures, and of course got a little emtional; my little bro isnt so little anymore! Well, he's always been big, but younger than me...and he turns 17 Sunday. Then my little sister turns 15 the 17th! We're all closer than ever I think...they adore Alyvia. Especially Jacob, who is 7. He gives her kisses and tells everyone "i love her" :] So cute. He'll be more like a big brother to her. My mom and I are becoming best friends. I am so happy about it, especially after the long, hard past 20 years of my life. She has been thru more than anyone I know and is the strongest mother/woman/person I know in this world. I love visiting with her, I need to do it more often than just once a week.
Dev worked last night, so we were just lazy all day today before he went BACK to work at 7pm. Errr I hate that he's gone so much, but I understand (at least try). He has next Saturday off for my cousins wedding... I'm pretty excited about that. We'll see some family we havent seen in a while. The reception is at Elk's in Circleville, and thats an option for me and dev's wedding, so we're gonna decide if we like it or not.
Oh! And Lyvi bug got her shots Tuesday. They went pretty well...she only cried for about 3 minutes. She now weighs 10.4 1/2 pounds and is 22inches long! She is growin, growin, growin! She never fails to amaze devon and me. She laughs and smiles constantly, kicks and dances all the time too! That little booger is my reason for breathing :]
This next week isnt very eventful. I gotta do some more job searching... wish me luck!